So far, this has been a pretty successful weekend.

Yesterday was Catalina Island with two great friends. We didnt stay as long as we were expecting to because we were just too tired.

Here is a view of the island:

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and here is the sky above me at the beach:

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Also, the water has many of these:

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which are just so bright and fun to see in the water. It was a really nice day, but I was very, very tired by the end.

Today I went to Felt Club and helped out Teresa at her booth. She was really nice, and I got to meet the woman behind buzzville. She was wonderful and I am hoping that we can meet up at next months Felt Club and have lunch.

Felt Club booth:

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After that I went to a friend’s house for a spin in and met some more great bloggers. It was a great day, but I am completely exhausted.

Tomorrow is Raging Waters, a water park, and monday will hopefully consist of napping all day. Tuesday is back to work.

I am off to bed.